Tuesday 20 November 2012

Thinking Outside The Site

Apologies for the crude photo - on a bit of a roll at
the moment
After having to take a step back from my initial design and talking myself though ideas, I finally came up with a design that I think I can work with.
My biggest problem with the site is how narrow the site is. There is also quiet a steep terrain to it which makes it even more difficult. 
So, in order to maximise what little width I had, I had to think outside of the site. 
One of the key ideas for this project is vertical circulation. I haven't quite got a design for the staircase (Thinks back to A level project) and whether I want it as a prominent feature of the building or not, but I have an idea of how my building is to be laid out, taking into account the changing levels of the site.
Rather than having an entrance car park level and trying to get down to footpath (main site) level like my previous design, I have instead made the most of this second storey to create a central atrium space as my multi-purpose area. I have connected all of this first floor space with a walk way around the double height space which will be home to the race office, office and meeting spaces. Downstairs will be the main area and the facilities including toilets, kitchen and storage.

Obviously my design needs more than a little bit of refinement but felt I should update the blog/journal. Back to work and time to do some actual sequential drawings now!

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